There are 5 kids involved in this crash. Can you name them? If so send me a text or an email and whoever guesses who was involved will get a candy bar or equivalent treat of their choice. If you are good at recognizing feet, there's two hints. |
As I took around a thousand photos for this year's reunion I will break up the event into a few posts so that I don't use up all my allotted space in one post. We arrived Wednesday afternoon around 3 pm. LouAnne and Troy were pulling in about the same time we were, and in fact we had seen them coming out of the creepy little gas station right off the Freeway. (The creepy little gas station is another experience that would be worth a blog post, but I don't have enough negative energy to write that.) David and his family, and Morgan and his family were already in the campground and Jon and Brendon showed up later that day as well. I will write more about the first day in one of the next posts as I don't have all those photos downloaded yet.
LouAnne was in charge this year and originally she had picked Antelope Creek for this year's reunion. The place we went to last year is not as far as some prior sites, with good shade and lots of places for kids to roam. There's fishing, hiking and places to ride dirt bikes as well as big areas to have enough room to gather. Unfortunately, it did not work out this year to go to Antelope Creek as Dad had used the time prior to clog up a few of his arteries. He had to go through open heart surgery and because of his condition it would just work better to do the reunion at Sublette which is around 45 minutes from his house. That way one of the siblings could bring him and mom to visit the reunion from time to time. In years past we had held a few reunions here and it was a good place. Its a non-fee big campground complete with a fairly decent outhouse but no water. We pretty much took up the entire area. A few other campers tried to drive around and squeeze in but with limited success.
The photos I am posting here are from the morning of the second day which was Thursday. It was a pretty morning with lots of songbirds singing. We were getting ready to go to Steadman's, which is a private water slide about 45 minutes away. I was walking around with my big camera trying to get photos of some of the birds and the people who were there so far. We were cooking breakfast and some of the kids were riding bikes and playing. I didn't get photos of everybody there, but over the week I tried to get photos of everybody. Some of them were more elusive by always hanging out in campers or some other reason, but I hope I got at least one of everybody.
For breakfast we all cooked together which was a mountain man type breakfast. It was good with eggs, potatoes and sausage with a tortilla shell. We cleaned up and got ready to head over to Steadman's water slide.
James, Leigh, Hugh and Jennifer with mom and dad met us at the water slide. The next post will be the pictures of the water slide. It was really fun and I went down around 10 times, mostly with Quinn, and then I stopped and just started taking photos. There were so many crashes and near crashes and funny stuff that I took around 800 photos. I had my continuous shutter selected and whenever I saw a potential wreck, I would aim and fire away. This particular camera can take 7 shots a second and still keep them in focus. The bad thing is you come away with a million photos, but this time I think it was worth it. I may put them in a time-lapse so you can see some of the funny wipe-outs almost like a slow motion video.
So for now, just look at the bird and people photos. I know some of you are chomping at the bit waiting for the slide photos, but I will post them soon.
A yellow warbler |
A hawk of some kind |
Troy starting the stoves for breakfast |
A ground squirrel |
I believe this is a sparrow of some kind. I have not seen it before. |
A Broad-tailed hummingbird that I could not believe hovered long enough for me to get a shot. They are so hard to photograph. I have feeders at home and have never been able to get one this good. |
A Gray Catbird |
"everybody's talking about a sharp-dressed man" |
Cedar Waxwing |
Josiah, Troy and Kurtlen |
a content fat waxwing |
Cows acting like moose and eating in the stream |
wild rose |
I believe this is some type of Flycatcher as it was mostly in the meadow areas |
Josiah |
Quinn and Teresa |
More moose-cows |
Logan taking off after Josiah |
Evelyn and Teresa |
Lily and Brendan's kids |
Best buds this morning |
Sparrow? |
Kylee |
Jaden |
David's camp with Rachael, Emma, David and Grace (Morgan's oldest) |
Breakfast in the makings now. Teresa is holding Chloe, Quinn, Lily, Troy, Jon, Shaelynn, Brendan and Julie. I can't remember Brendan's baby's name. |
Another flycatcher I believe |
Whenever I figure out this sparrow I'll add it here. |
Broad-tailed hummingbird, female |
Yellow Warbler |
Butterfly |
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