Sunday, August 30, 2015

A few of my favorite photos I took this year.

Just thought I would post a few of my favorite photos I took this year.  I have learned a lot with the camera so far.  I am slowly progressing but I feel for the most part there is improvement.  I am striving to learn and I hope these photos show it.

The Grand Tetons at sunrise one beautiful morning

A bend in the Teton river

Mountain Ash Berries

A Hollyhock

Teresa's Clematis's that she thought would never live

A lone Columbine.  I actually won the highest award with this photo on pixoto

Another columbine

Coming down Bell Canyon after going up Wildhorse Canyon

Camping near Goblin Valley

The expression on Quinn's face when he realized what the sign said

Lucy helping Quinn in Goblin valley

Quinn right after the dog snapped at him for touching her bone

Quinn on our hike up Henderson Canyon and overlooking Teton Valley towards Driggs

Lance running the pass in the GTR

The Rexburg Temple

A snowy fence

I won Grand Champion at the fair for this photo

Teresa's tulips

Macey at the finish line passing her teammate

Creepy moon

Katey perched on a rock at Goblin Valley